
don't you two live together?

the blog is you guys chatting back and forth now :)

so - courtney is annoying me a little less because i think its not her being holier than thou to me thats putting her in a bad mood, its that a project that she has worked on and is perfecting is potentially going to get handed off to a prep student in the lab so the prep student has interesting data to apply to grad school with. basically, tim (the bossman) is giving courtney a slap in the face and she's really pissed off.

PLUS! i've been sitting at the common computer in between jonathon (the computer guy) and pranav (a dorky undergrad who is now graduating a term early and will be working full time from now on) i think i love them. they are very MIT and it makes me happy. they just plug away at their stuff without getting gossipy or overly annoyed at how the world has wronged them (which is the main thing i don't like about gen and courtney)

back to a little more work. i plan to leave by 6.