

the only question is - who plays you in the cheesey movie?
seriously rups - do you ever have NORMAL guy drama?! he's either gotta be in the same tight circle of friends with your ex . . . or so spineless that he won't make a move . . . or have a sister who either doesn't want you two to get together or has serious subtly issues.

it's almost a little too tragic that he is going away. are you hoping to maintain a long distance relationship when you don't even have a short distance relationship yet? is HE ready? i am at a stratigic disadvantage because i don't actually know him. has he dated at all in the last year? is it normal for him to be non-aggressive? is this a long time unrequitted love, two best friends where one is waiting for the other to realize they should be together? (cough cough - julie and peter - cough cough)

dude, and seriously - what's the deal with the sister? do we need to beat her moment ruining buttocks? (i feel bad swearing on the internet! i almost couldn't type the B word earlier today!)

that's my two cents. it needs to be broad up to him because otherwise it will eat at you all year. but ditch the sis - she's cramping your style :)