
oscar watch 2005

i started a new blog because my weekend one was getting long and this isn't about my weekend :)

so - my gay second cousin throws an oscar party every year. he gets pretty into it - door prizes and everyone votes on the oscars and the people who have the most right get nice prizes. he also sends out absentee ballots (although those are not elegible to win) my mom always does it and now since i'm more of an expert than she is, she has emailed him and asked him to include me in his emails. he's sent me two so far - the second one was very informative. i was really sad about the best foreign film category because i thought i would be familiar with some of the nominees (namely, motorcyle diaries and a very long engagement) BUT it turns out the reason is the way the pool of movies is chosen - each country has to select only one movie to enter into the pool that the nominees come from. neither motorcyle diaries nor a very long engagement were entered into the pool.

just thought i'd share that tidbit :) in case anyone is interested - and didn't know this - the colombian representative was "el rey" directed by jose antonio dorado and the indian representative was "shwass" directed by sandeep sawant