
party roommate

you have to have time to think about it! if even i, the boring lame roommate, has time to think about it...you def should!

thats right, two moves from last time...well we can check and either way we can go to rickys maybe next week sometime before i leave/your mom comes in...

remember last time? you got your hat at some random second hand place, rickys was PACKED and empty... i think it was the last day

but the best was when megan kissed the DKE :) and cari changed clothes with the boy in the middle of the bar...

how things change

haha. yea, i can't believe you're already thinking of costumes!

i don't think you should be a hawaiian girl if they all just saw you wearing that in hawaii.

if i still have my cowboy stuff you can def borrow it, but i don't know if all that has survived 2 moves.

i think ricky's is probably the best idea. . .

i all of a sudden had a mountain of work loaded off on me, so i don't know when i'll be able to even think about halloween. . .argh

ideas? shopping?

im gonna be in seattle for halloween and dev's friend is having a party...so i kinda want to figure out what i want to be before i leave (and i think being a butterfly wont fly for another year...)

one idea was to borrow jackies dress, wear my lai and be a hawaiin girl but that seems kind of lame (esp when some of those people just saw me two weeks ago in the same outfit)

the other idea was if you guys were going to do something else, i could borrow your cowboy outfits from last year...

and the last idea (which i kinda want to do anyway just to see what they have) is to go to rickys or whatever its called to see what the have....

any of that sound like a good idea? can you believe that even im thinking about halloween this year? and not grumbling and wishing it just passed?

refresh my memory.. .

what blog about halloween?


jules, did you see my blog about halloween the other day?

no room...

it wouldnt be awesome - where the hell would they put it??? :)

im going home sat morn after the party friday night. i think ill take as early a bus as possible cause it doesnt really make sense to just sleep in when i can sleep on the bus. and ill come back sunday

my grandparents leave sunday :( i get so used to having them around - i dont know why they dont just move here for their sake i mean, i can understand that it would be a bit overwhelming for my mom and dad - they constantly say things like if we make unreasonable requests like that when we are old remind us that we shouldnt do that :) its pretty funny...


are you spending all weekend at home? this is the last weekend your grandparents are here, right? sad.

i think my aunt is coming with my mom, too, so i'm excited :) my aunt is crazy - she's like my sister.

yea, i finally got a confirmation email from fresh direct. we spent $27 on chicken! i didn't realize it when we were ordering it. they'd better bring us a whole lot of chicken. . .

we should remind jackie to give the maintenance guy a call so they can fix our fridge. wouldn't it be cool if they decided to just buy us a new, bigger fridge?? that's obvioulsy never going to happen, but i can dream. . .

moving temps?

do you get to hire temps or people to pack and move your stuff for you?? maybe you should hire someone permanent to do that since you move offices so often!!

hi peoples

sorry.. i've been busy all day. glad to see that thigns are good today.. i am moving offices tonight. i get a window again. woo hoo!!!

blah.. more tomorrow.... bye bye

ill miss her completely...

those are the exact dates of my trip to seattle...sad!

i went on to freshdirect and it showed that your order would be delivered from 8-10 tonight, so hopefully even though they didnt send you a confirmation thing it should be ok...

im going home on sat so ill just bring back my groceries from there since getting 70 bucks of stuff on my own is nearly impossible

a room with hoods?

megan - what are you talking about??

yea, it's really gross out. that's why ordering in is a good idea on days like this :) i just had yummy (and spicy) shrimp thai soup and chicken skewers.

nush, the deadline to change the fresh direct order was yesterday at midnight. it's weird, though, i thought they were supposed to send me another email confirmation today. . .

my mom's here the weekend of halloween, thurs oct 28 - mon nov 1st.

leaving now

enough of work for the day :)
i'm going home!


its gross out, i just met my cousin for lunch. we had ABP it was so good and soup was so comforting, but then the 10 min walk back was not comforting at all and now im cold again...

damnit, i'm blogging today!

where are you guys?!


so, there is a room with hoods across from my desk. it's a designated mouse room, so i never work in there. in fact, only guys work in there because somehow the lab is divided that boys work with mice and girls work with human. so, this kid matt (who i share my cubbie area with) listens to the most random music! he's like that quiet science dork who listens to ghetto rap. today it's metallica so it's making me super happy :)

little meghan

meghan's birthday is around now too! i think today . . . or the day after joshie's? somewhere soon :)

if it were an email i would have hit delete

but since its not, i have to look at it all day today until this blog is archived. thanks julie :)

my cousin is going to ithaca all day thurs, wont be back till midnight, so im using that as my one day of actually studying...so hopefully the sox will finish this game off in 3 or so hours so you can come out wed night :) if not, he will be here the first weekend of november...so try to keep that friday free! i def want to take him out, and after that weekend im going to be on social lockdown until the exam...so friday nov 5 you guys should all plan to go out with us!

jules, when is your mom here again? i forgot to do the freshdirect thing...its prob too late now right?

very imp reminder

tomorrow is oct 20th.

oct 20th is josh neubert and ekta's birthday.

do with this info what you will :)

re: game

i'm just going to watch it at home. i can't really eat or drink anything, so i'd rather watch it at home. also, i want to go to the gym first, so i wouldn't have time to go to the gym and then make it to a bar on time. if they make it to game 7, though, i might want to watch it somewhere.

the only plan i have for wed night is my 2 gym classes, so i might be able to meet up with you guys later if you're out. it all depends on how much sleep i get tonight, though. if tonight's game is anything like the last two, i'm probably not going to be up for going out tomorrow night.

evelyn's girlfriend, deanna, is going to be in town this week for work. jackie and i are going to take her out on thurs night - we're going to free wine. if you and your cousin are up for cheap wine and chinese food, you guys should come! rups - you should come, too! megan - hop on a plane and we'll see you here :)


are you going to watch it at home? or are you thinking of going out to watch it?

rupa said she was free tomorrow night to go out for a bit with my cousin...do you have plans?


im soooo tired. my cousin came in last night, i basically have to swear off studying and sleeping all week cause of this...dev and i went to port authority, picked him up, came home, had a few drinks, some chinese food, and just hung out till like 1 am. it was fun to see dev hanging out with my fav cousin :) then dev had to leave at 5 am to catch his flight for this 3 week excurtion out of ny....i need sleep...


how can you think of gilmore girls when game 6 of the red sox/yankees game is on tonight??? ahh - this whole rivalry makes me re-live the good old college days. and i don't even like baseball! :)

i'm tired today. i slept horribly, and the weather outside is so gross! at least our weekly dept-wide meeting was cancelled, so now i can sit at my desk all morning and try to put a dent in the growing pile of work i have to do. blah . . .

morning darlings :)

i'm at work. but i walked from my car and hit up dunkin donuts (yum)
i'm wearing rainbow toe socks - two different rainbows, don't worry. courtney always notices my socks (like, within the first week of me working here she was like do you always mismatch your socks?)

tonight, i want to watch gilmore girls and go rock climbing. i think there is going to have to be a vcr involved. i didn't get to go rock climbing last night because i didn't leave the lab until 7 last night (yeah, here from 8am to 7 pm!)

now i'm just mumbling to waste time until i finish my bagel and have to go downstairs . . .