
Good morning!

hi ladies! i got to work before 8:30 this morning. crazy, huh?? and i'm hyper. jackie made us breakfast this morn (scrambled eggs with cheese, toast with butter and jam . . . yummy). maybe i'd have more energy if i had a real breakfast every day. ehh.

anyways, i was so sad cause i tried to check the blog as soon as i got up and it wasn't working for some reason :(. but now it's up again so i'm all good. nush and i are getting haircuts today. of course, nyc doesn't have enough good hairdressers, so we're going all the way to long island for our cut. we're using zipcar for the first time, so we're taking jetta jasmine out for a spin ;)

oh yea, i got drunk dialed last night. joey called me at like 3am. i just looked at my phone and went back to sleep - i was exhausted. he didn't leave a message (that could have been entertaining). he's weird - i can't tell if he's into me or not (which makes me think he's not). i don't know - i still had fun tuesday night. even if nothing happens, he's just fun to hang out with.

meg - how was your quiet evening at home with your boyfriend??