

Hi there :) I made it so that only one day shows up on the blog at a time. That way the main page isn't a ton to scroll through :) you can always click on archive if you want to read old stuff... but this will make our constant blogging easier to take.

can't wait to see you guys tonight. anusha- when do you think you'll be done with the concert in midtown? what concert is it anyway?

i decided to work from home today so that i could get more alone work done.. less talking to my team. it's hard getting a lot done in the office (hanging out with jules aside). it's nice though.. i'm sitting on my bed.. listening to my speakers really loud.. and can steal snacks from the fridge every once in a while.

i was venting before b/c even being far away i've had to answer all these questions that i haven't gotten much done.. but that's what the weekend will be before. i feel myself getting sucked back into my crazy hours.

i can't wait to see you megan.. i'm glad it's coming up so close.. and that we don't have a super long drive to bear :) it's ok if we can't do the winery... i would be just as happy telling stories and drinking boxed wine :)

i have to do this phone interview now.. but will write more later. happy thursday! it's already thursday!