
why oh why

i didn't come in last night, that's why i'm here this morning. 16 hour stimulation, starting at 5:30 yesterday. but the catch! ah, the catch . . . 4 wells of cells need to be stimulation for 2 hours. so, for consistency purposes, they sit in their wells without extra stuff for 14 hours then have the extra stuff for the last 2. so, 14 hours after 5:30 - 7:30am. but its cool because i'm here early, and i'll be here all day . . . (after the 16 hours comes a 4 hour incubation time then staining which last time took me 5 hours) BUT i think i'll be done by - if not before - 7! which means i'll make it home in plenty of time for the gilmore girls season premiere! AND this is jessie's one night off before the weekend, so we can hang out, watch gilmore girls, and watch mean girls (which should be arriving today through netflix)