
megan, megan bobegan. . .

looks like megan't the theme of the morning, so i decided to stick with it ;)

drinks and dinner last night were a lot of fun. the candidate accepted our offer in the middle of the day, so it makes the sell day a lot more fun because there isn't pressure to get him to accept. the food at asia de cuba was really good, but i was a little unimpressed with the restaurant itself. i guess i was just expecting something bigger and more exotic. no one went wild and got drunk at dinner yesterday, but it was still a fun time.

today i feel gross, though. i stuck with south beach friendly foods all night and just had a small taste of the plantains, lobster mashed potatoes (which were great), and dessert, but i still ate way more than i have been eating in the past couple of weeks. i think i'm just going to fast all day today to make myself feel better.

today i'm going to the gym after work, then cleaning the bathroom when i get home before i go get a manicure and pedicure :) i love pampering myself. and i also hope to be in bed by like 11. . .

rupa, good luck getting all your work wrapped up today! i'm so jealous you're going to miami. . .