

people are writing today!

mango lassi is basically just mango pulp (you can get it canned) and milk/cream and sugar. i dont like mango lassi cause it tastes too processed for me, but when mangos start to go bad in my house, and they dont taste good alone, my mom mashes it up and adds milk and sugar. its soo good.

those towels are really cute julie!!!

from what we know about joe - im sure his surprise will be something totally extravagant and totally deserved :)

we get to see robin williams on conan! there is also some random nutritionist person that i dont know...but im sure itll be funny. since rupa is sick :( i asked patty if she wanted to go - alex asked me this morning if i had extra tickets but id rather let the ticket go to waste then take him!!!

my date friday has emailed me a lot asking about places to go etc - he is super cute - anyone heard of/been to: Cendrillon, L’Ecole, Mezzogiorno - the first one is pan asian which may include korean food and therefore scares me..the second is at the french culinary institute, and the last is right on spring and thompson...but ive never been to any of them - i wrote back saying either the second or the third...