

i saw my dermatologist from CT. he siad it is called alopeshia areata which is apparently very common (1/3 of people have it most dont even know it). he gave me a topical antibiotic that i put on the spot twice a day for 8 weeks...and the hair will 80% grow back in that spot but it could easily happen again in the same place or anywhere else...it is mostly heriditary and stress is the straw that breaks the camels back (a phrase that i think is stupid but conveys the message...)

my mom was pretty freaked out, she was getting chills when she would see it. i kept telling her that this is nothing compared to what other people go through...

the rest of the day was nice though :) satyan and i hung out in the city - went to the park, a museam, went to cafe lalo which is where youve got mailed was taped, played in a play ground, went out to dinner, watched a movie :) he deemed it anusha day :) it was nice to have someone get my mind off of all this...

i may see him tonight but i just want a low key night and i want to study too. my parents are coming at 830 tomorrow morn, my dad has a conference all day. so my mom and i will just hang out...