
fucking luis and juancho . . .

passions of christ - made me want to shoot myself so bad, it is the only netflix movie i've sent back without watching fully

sideways - a guy struggling to be mediocre and his best friend wo is everything to be hated - immature, lies to himself and then to others, attempting to stay young when he no longer is . . . yeah, i like wine but damn! and a guy on the radio said something i liked - that his obsession with wine was actually pretty sad because it was the only thing he was good at in his life.

closer - HATED IT! the advertise it as an "adult romance" umm . . . really? because i thought all four of those characters were incredibly immature. they can't make a commitment and stick with it to save their lives yet they throw around "love" like its going out of style. they break up and make up like its nothing. and i hated the way time passed - each new scene was a year later . . .