
added to netflix

luckily this month julie and jackie have been pretty bad about watching movies too so i dont feel so bad, but team america was the first movie ive seen in weeks!!

i love all this wedding talk. i love the fact that he is getting married before me - i like seeing/hearing the guys version of how the propose, how to pick out the ring, etc etc, so that when its my turn i just think id have much more admiration about the whole process...

my bro and i talk like every day about wedding stuff - its funny :) i think itll be mostly an american wedding, with a small "wear saree, do a few of the fun traditions" stuff. my brother said no prayers in sanskrit etc. the indian part of this will be done by a guy in glastonbury that did the engagemnt stuff probably but that everything will be done in english. and short. :)

im off to go meet my "boyfriend" for lunch...he leaves for a wedding in cali for the long weekend today. which is probably best so i get sleep/have time to study without wanting to spend time with him...