
rupa's a great date :)

she was my other half of the "couple" for the cruise and i loved it!! although we both totally sucked when we played "newly weds"....we need to work on that :)

there will def be lots of you meeting satyan - ask julie, he is over all the time :) i love it. he is in london now and calls once a day after all his work is done which is around 5. im sooo jealous - it sounds so fun to hear all about it! and when he started telling me all the touristy things he was doing i kept interjecting and saying well if you were at that spot did you do blah blah blah and told him some obscure thing that all toursits should do, and for most of the things he had done exactly what i said! i need to move to london and be a tour guide there...im really good at that!!

makes sense about edgar :) i hope there is a bit more drinking and a lot less anusha looking like a slut this year at the lake house....but other than that i was totally happy with last years events :)