

i had a rough night...i went out with some satyan and some "industry" people which was fun - not weird to be in a work env with him although he knows the people much better than i do and apparently they kept talking about me when i didnt know :) then i went to the gym, went out to dinner with him - then it was all down hill. we just had italian food, and im not sure what the problem was but i was allergic to something and my throat got all these bumps in it and i couldnt breathe/swallow. it was scary. same thing that happens when i eat korean food, im just not sure why it happened...

anyway i got benydrl and just laid in satyans lap till i feel asleep. he was cute, he stayed awake watching tv until i fell asleep.

now im here but kind of zombie like...i which they had antihistimines that didnt make you so tired!!