MMS Friends


cute picture!!!

Megan that pic is so cute :) I cant wait to meet Dollop...I hope you figure out how to make her stop biting though!!

I had the best weekend. Sat I went to a wedding with Satyan which was really fun. I like his friends a lot - they are all really interesting and funny and love me :) then sun i went home and got back last night. we went to the open last night, saw ginepri (who is one of my new fav cause he is so cute and really good!)

we are going again tomorrow. im taking the day off again. i thought i had like no vacation days but i always forget about our floating holidays. so i just asked allen. i was so nervous but i got the you put in so much work go have fun (of course after he was like well if you dont have any pressing work to do...) it feels good to be here long enough to be able to get away with things like this...

im in such a good mood :)

rupa - hows the website???