MMS Friends


its friday, i want to go home . . .

the puppy is fine, although i'm a little worried she's not so smart . . . not that i think she should be house broken, but her schedule is just so random! she's not going when the mood hits her because she holds it when she's in her crate but we'll walk outside for half an hour and 20 minutes after she's inside, she'll pee! its frustrating. she has her first vet's appointment tomorrow - she needs her ears cleaned, her nails clipped, i think she'll need two booster shots, flea control, probably have her blood drawn for a heartworm test and some of the heartworm prevention medication . . . while there, i'm going to ask the vet about when i should be expecting her to respond to housetraining and also how he/she feels about puppies and biting because she (the dog) has made quite a habit of biting during play and i'm worried she'll start thinking its ok all the time to bite . . . .

the alpaca autopsy was def interesting. do you know the scene in star wars? empire strikes back i think where they are stuck outside on the frozen tundra planet and the cut open the pack animal to use his insides to stay warm? it looked kinda like that . . . the animal actually died because of a blockage in his urethra, which in turn caused a tear and allowed urine to flow into his body (very bad) so, the autopsy was to see what caused the blockage and if it was a stone, to figure out the nutritional issues causing it so that the whole herd doesn't get them. he couldn't find a stone, so he thought the "blockage" might have been caused from the alpace getting kicked by another alpaca and the urethra being damaged, the inflammatory response by the body swelling and constricting the area and in that way impeding urine flow . . . then he gave me a mini anatomy lesson of the alpaca (3 compartments to the stomach, awesome intestinal tract - very cow meets pig) the smell wasn't nearly as bad as i thought it would be, so i enjoyed it :)

i also saw two spays, 1 neuter, and an amputation of a toe probably damaged by bone cancer (the amputated tissue was sent off to a lab for testing)

my labor day plans? relax :) and study . . . i started biochemistry today. saturday, dollop has an 11:45 vet appointment, saturday evening i am going to buffalo to get my dress that my aunt picked up for me, introduce dollop to the animals in buffalo, and go out to dinner with my grandparents. saturday evening, gen is having a little "yeah, my smelly roommate finally moved out!" party. at some point, edgar and i have plans to 1. go to a park to play with dollop and 2. go shopping, possibly outlet, since he needs new shoes and its tax free week.