MMS Friends


i feel like i'm in college again

only worse, because i have to go to work also.
my head hurts, possibly from biochem overload, possibly because i woke up every hour last night. the last lecture slides i looked at brought the hormone that helps you not pee while you sleep. i don't know if i had to pee because i had to pee or whether the hormone being in my head made me need to pee but i kept dreaming about the 4 classifications of pee (there are none) and how they relate to the hormone. finally, at 5:30 i just got up and peed. then i slep blissfully . . . until 6:30 when my alarm went off so i could have time to walk and feed dollop before i ran off to work.

the test is in half an hour though so for better or for worse, its basically go time. i'm going to look over peptide bonding and DNA bonding one more time, then the chemotrypsin mechanism. then, i'm off!

i want to sleep.