MMS Friends


the office/coupling

i tried watching the american version of coupling, hated it and then tried the british. the script was the same, basically word for word. the office, while a completely different premise, got the same hype of british hit turned american so i never even tried it. i've seen the ads, it just doesn't look interesting enough.

gilmore girls on the other hand . . .

i skipped work yesterday :) i don't even think eun noticed. it was great, i slept in a little, made edgar go to class (he was going to skip to hang out with me) and while he was at class, i hung out at a starbucks and studied. then we went grocery shopping and played with the dog and hung out just the two of us. then he went to work, i played with the dog alone and met up with jess like an hour later. we went shopping - i really wanted a white tank top. i found two :) plus a black sweater, a orangish/reddish shirt, funky earrings and a hair thing. then we watched gilmore girls. when i went home, i got all annoyed because somewhere in the couple of minutes during the day she wasn't being completely fauned over, dollop had peed and pooed in the corner of the apartment. so, i got all mad at her and went on a cleaning frenzy. then i think she got mad at me and peed again. then she went into her crate. we've made up now, but i think she was pretty darn scared of me for a while last night.

edgar has the night off tonight, so i think we're going to study (he doesn't know that part yet) and make tomato bisque with crabmeat. and maybe watch a movie . . . or the gilmore girls episode i taped for him if he didn't finish it last night . . .