MMS Friends


good morning

i slept soo well last night but i could not get out of bed this morning. i didnt get here till 9 again...thats bad for me!! oh well..

i went to yoga last night - i love that place. tonight satyan has another show at a new place. he hasnt had one in a while. and tomorrow im going to see HARRY POTTER with jules and jackie for a preview of the movie :)

i cant believe next week is thanksgiving. we are talking about who will be in the office to cover for the group that day and it looks like there are other people in the office so i might not have to come in - its a good thing i saved one vacation day :) i may still come in if satyan is here for the weekend.

megan are we set on that weekend in january?? things are starting to book up and i need to figure out a weekend to go to boston to see my cousin...