MMS Friends


trick or treating

i went trick or treating for the first time in like 15 years! it was so much fun. arjun was a fencer and avinash was a karate kid. i just wore black and uma chittis witch hat and escorted them with kevin (kerrys younger brother who lives like 15 min from my aunt). then we came home and lit firecrackers for an hour or so because tues was diwali (the indian festival of lights). i love being there with those kids. plus my mom came so that was an added advantage.

tonight im supposed to have dinner with ellen. we shall see. it was sad yesterday to spend diwali by myself - satyan was sick and neither of us felt like leaving out apts and i think rupa is my only other indian friend in the city and she isnt in the city! so i just came home, ate dinner and went to sleep. at least i got to wake up and spend the morning with my mom before flying back to ny.