MMS Friends


playing soccer mom

so, i got to drive ryan (the 13 year old) to school this morning at 7:30. and have passive aggressive fights with him all last night (wanted to watch victoria secrets thing and talk to his gf over homework and sleep). i have lab meeting at 9. i felt this all boiled down to a necessary trip to starbucks on my way to work. so, now i'm chilling with my venti nonfat carmel machiato (spelling?) - dude, who gets these huge coffees every day?! $4.16 every morning?! i felt i deserved it this morning (plus, my aunt and uncle left me a waaay too huge envelop of cash - i think i'm going to leave about half, but it still allows me absurdly expensive coffee once in a while) PLUS its cold outside and i wasn't THAT early to catch the bus, so i waited instead of walked into work. hop on the bus with my nose not in a book for (apparently) the first time since last thursday - and my ID (which i've been searching for and has been totally complicating my work life) is hanging in the front of the bus. i guess it must have come off my jeans thursday evening and i hadn't ridden the bus/noticed it was there since . . . my day is starting out AWESOME! man, i must sound bipolar on this blog . . .