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sorry ladies.. it's been a crazy day.

my wknd was nice.. i was in town for the first time in forever.. i stayed in friday and hung out with my cousin moush.. we went to a local really good italian place and ate sorbet on my couch.

saturday i had brunch w nush and jules... hung out with my parents (who randomly came into the city for their own date weekend.. dinner and a movie :) ) and then hung out with jonathan over wine and tapas at night and met up with jules for good drinks :)

ok that made no grammatical sense.. but you understand the point.. which is that food is the center of my universe. my parents stayed till yesterday evening.. i hung out with them.. wrote a lot.. went to the park. it was relaxing.. quiet.. introspective. exactly what i wanted.

i'll try and write more later and read more.. which i haven't done in a while. i miss you guys and i miss this blog. can't wait for 4-of-us time :) yay for good friday. i'll try and take it off too (or at least lunch and after)