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Facilities : |
1. Community census in 1912 enumerating standard of living, education, employment, age groups etc., and thereafter periodic publication of census report at regular intervals.
2. Community get-together to ponder over the social issues of the community, religion and culture.
3. Construction of Building and Community Hall in 1941 at Talmakiwadi, Bombay on concluding Silver Jubilee Celebration for social and family functions.
4. Hosting stay of His Holiness Anandashram Swamiji of the Chitrapur Math in 1944 and thereafter of His Holiness Parijnanashram Swamiji and His Holiness Sadyojat Shankarashram Swamiji.
5. In the busy life of the members of the community, the alliances of the children of the families cause tremendous hardships. The formations of Marriage Bureau is always felt as Godsend and gave relief to the parents.
6. Felicitation of the personalities who excelled in various professions and services on “Foundation Day”.
7. Inter-community get-together of those married in other communities for cultural integration.
8. “Community Chest” was instituted in 1997 to render financial support to rural population of Chitrapur Saraswat to develop/manage cottage/small scale industries.
9. Financial support for people economically in distress.